Following on from the last task, you are now going to create your own web pages using the University’s Google apps

Task – To create a small website on a topic of your own interest

    1. From the intranet, click on the University of Westminster Google apps link and sign in to reach the home page
    2. Click on the sites link, then create new site button
    3. Choose a name for your site, the example below shows the name Alice’s French Grammar
    4. Now choose a theme, which will dictate the layout and colours of your site (you can change these later if they don’t work out)

Creating new pages for your website

    1. Create additional pages at the top level by clicking on the create page button
    2. Now set navigation options so that the navigation is carried out  automatically
    3. Create and name another new page at set this at the top level of the hierarchy
    4. Create a third new page and nest this beneath one of the existing pages – check the navigation panel to see how this is presented

Embedding video in your website

  1. Click on the HTML view of the editor
  2. Open a new tab and go to YouTube and search for a short video relevant to your website
  3. Copy the embedded code from the YouTube page to the html editor view of your web page

Adding an RSS feed

  1. Add a new page at top level called news
  2. Now go to Insert>More gadgets and search for BBC RSS news

Adding gadgets

    1. As with Thing #1 you can add gadgets from the Google apps menu
    2. Share the link to your website with other 23 Things participants

Home page for Google site Alice's French grammar